рекультивація кар'єрів

The JGT exhibition in Dubai for Amber Galbin ended successfully

Українська команда реалізувала майже всі привезені бурштинові вироби, а найголовніше - відсьогодні відкрили постійне представництво в Дубаї!

Amber Galbin products represent Ukraine at the JGT exhibition in Dubai

У Дубайському виставковому центрі "Експо Сіті" учора відкрилася виставка "Ювелірні вироби, дорогоцінні камені та технології" (JGT). З-поміж 350 учасників, команда "Амбер Гальбин" - єдина, що приїхала з України та привезла бурштинові вироби.

Amber Galbin products. How will Rivne become an amber capital? (VIDEO)

This year, Amber Galbyn launched the production of amber products. Jewelry, souvenirs, icons, and paintings have already been exhibited at the international fair in Gdansk and are on their way to Dubai. What does it mean to manufacture and sell amber products in Ukraine? Watch the interview with Halyna Usyk, the head of production at the group of companies.

The heads of regional inspections of the National Police of Ukraine visited Amber Galbin.

Today, the heads of the main inspectorates of the regional departments of the National Police of Ukraine partially held an offsite meeting at the quarry of the Amber Galbin Group of Companies.

Autumn Amberif-2024: the most productive fair for Amber Galbin

One of the largest international exhibitions of amber products has ended in Gdansk. Despite the fact that there were half as many exhibitors as in the spring, it was the most successful for Amber Galbin.

International Amber Fair "Amberif": Amber Galbin Group of Companies presented more than fifty of its own products 

The employees of Amber Galbyn took their own amber products and raw materials to the Amberif fair in Gdansk, Poland.